Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This is what is on my mind today

I have lost 25lbs since Aug and have kept it off , which is great but I still feel like I have accomplished nothing. I know that is not true, but the feeling is still there. I think what brought it to a head was today when hubby got home from the Y, yes he has gone twice this week, and he has lost 3lbs. Why do guys lose weight so easy and us women have to work out asses off to lose 1lb. Ok I know it is not a contest but I feel like I really need to kick it up a notch, but at the same time I do not to become obsessed cause I know when I do I will fail. I know once I start going to the gym I will lose the fat more easily, but it seems so hard to just go. I know it is not really. I think I am having just a mental block about it at the moment. Ok so that is enough whining about my weight and working out.

I am also so wanting to change my looks. I want to do something new with my hair and make-up but am a wimp about change. I have started to wear clothes that fit me better, no more tent size shirts for me but I still want to do more. I do not think I am ready for more just yet though.

Well off to do laundry.

Yours if Health and Fitness.

A BuffMother in training.


  1. You are right, it is not a contest! Keep your focus...what are your goals for this week? Do you have them wrote down? It's very important to do so. Sometimes I write a different one on my bathroom mirror in lipstick daily! LOL It works for me. Do you work out or are you just dieting?? Changing looks can be hard. I cut off my hair about 1 1/2 years ago. It was hard but it's so much easier for me now! Good Luck!

  2. Lynne,

    Thank you so much for your words. No I have not written down my goals for this week, well I have not written them down for the year either. I will do that tonight. I do not workout, yet. I know I need to get to it, but I have not. I am looking for a new style, something will come to me.

    A BuffMother in Training.
